Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Workshop stories

Family environment - we welcome the kids of all ages.
People bring their families and we get free cuddles - win -win all round.
This was the Boigu island team coping in the very small library on chairs
and on the floor while meetings occurred in the council room - our usual venue.

Back on Erub - Darnley island.
Old friends came in to refresh their skills and needed very little help.
It was terrific to see the increase in confidence.

New friends learning how to make music.
These communities are ready for their public access computers

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The girls came in after school and when there was no room, they hit the floor and invited Michelle down to show off what they were doing.
They loved all the new software to make cool photo options and developed videos in an hour. Congrats to the Boigu SS ( Now campus of Taigai) for the great work in developing computer literacy in local kids.

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